order support manual


Teachers talking about their experiences of attending a peer support professional development course:


 ..it got me out out of my shell and gave me the tools to get others out of their shell.. 

..the experiential learning really does help........

Lots of variety of activities. Great timing of warm up, warm down activities.  Lots of fun. Great teamwork and networking.
"When I took this back to our school peer support training days I felt confident in a wide range of activities that I pulled out when required."  Erin 

Students talking about their experiences of peer support. Year 9 students at one school were asked to say in what ways the peer support programme had helped them


Get to know my fellow classmates and learn to get along and work in a team with them. I have learnt their weaknesses and strong points.Settle in better at my High School and not get lost.

I became more confident.

Build more confidence and have fun with the other classmates which we don’t normally interact with.


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Julia Malcolm
phone  0273525318
mail Karen Bell 

NZ Peer Support Trust PO Box 6078
Upper Riccarton
Christchurch 8442
New Zealand